Sunday, September 23, 2012

Interstitial Cystitis Awareness Month!

It is IC awareness month and I thought it was appropriate to update everyone on my progress....

I have now been on the ViSalus- Body By Vi Challenge since May.  I can honestly say that it is the best thing to ever happen to me for many reasons.  I don't typically believe in miracle cures- especially when there are organizations out there looking for a cure and can't seem to find one.  Maybe I am lucky or maybe ViSalus is on to something nothing short of a miracle!  I am happy to report that I am still symptom free!  For those who do not have IC- imagine getting up 20+ times a night to pee- even on sleep aids!  Imagine horrible pain and discomfort!  Imagine not enjoying intercourse with your partner!  All of these symptoms and many more are very real for a person with IC.

I was going to the doctor weekly for treatment that didn't really work well for me.  My other option was a more invasive procedure that would involve anesthesia or the implant of a foreign object (which did not thrill me by any means)!  I started using ViSalus for weight loss since I am still trying to lose the last of my baby weight.  Little did I know or expect that the product would help me with more than just weight management!
I am still amazed that I saw a noticeable difference in just three days of being on the product and by the end of the first week I was sleeping through the night without any sleep aids!  Coming from someone that was on heavy prescription sleep aids for years this change was HUGE!
I still need to find a way to communicate this amazing find with my doctor.  Any suggestions on how to do that would be appreciated.  I called the office and left a message but I doubt the nurse took me seriously and probably didn't even give him the message.  I was thinking of writing a letter and hoping to hear from him.  I think that he not only needs to know my experience but I think he also could look at the product and maybe give me some insight as to why I have gotten better.  I am thrilled and so grateful but I can't help but wonder- why???  What is in this stuff that cured me?  Is it just the shakes or the shakes along with the vitamins that made the difference- needless to say I'm not planning on stopping either one!
Since my last post about IC I got an email from someone that read my post.  She also had tried ViSalus and it had cured all her symptoms as well.  I don't think it is a coincidence that two people are now symptom free! I want to reach out the IC community and spread the word about this amazing find!

If you or anyone you know suffers from IC (interstitial cystitis) please tell them about ViSalus.  I am a promoter because I believe in the product so much and I would be happy to answer any questions they have!
To life, health and prosperity!
