Monday, June 11, 2012

Goodbye Interstitial Cystitis!

Let's get personal....

I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis AKA "IC" when I was in 9th grade- I battled with it on and off for years.  About two years ago I had an IC flare like never before.  I only had to deal with pain when I was in high school- now I had to deal with unbelievable frequency.  I went from getting up 2-3 times a night, to at my worst point getting up every 10-15 minutes.  My husband remembers me crying in the middle of the night from sheer exhaustion and frustration.  I had to go on Ambien just to get some relief and unfortunately still had to be on some type of sleep aid when I was pregnant with my daughter.  
I eventually came to except IC and that it would always be a part of my life.  My doctor and I tried everything from mediations (multiple different ones), diet change and bladder installations.  
Last month a miracle happened.  A friend of mine got involved with a company that is changing lives.  It is called ViSalus Sciences.  She contacted me because she knew I was still struggling to get rid of the last few pounds of baby weight.  The company makes nutritious shakes, chelated vitamins, healthy energy drinks and snacks.  She is a friend I trust more than anyone and I saw a dramatic change in her- not just with weight loss (she lost 15 lbs in 1 month), but also her energy level was completely different.  I immediately ordered the product.  I started having two shakes a day, which I mix with a variety of things (mostly frozen fruit).  I also started on their vitamins and their energy drinks (less caffeine than in a 1/2 cup of coffee).  
Immediately I noticed that I felt better in general, I had more energy and I did honestly feel like I had lost some weight.  After only 3 days I fell asleep one night without taking a sleep aid and I didn't wake up to go to the bathroom for about 6 hours.  I now have been on the product for 2 weeks and I have not taken a sleep aid once, and I now sleep straight through the night without having to get up to go to the bathroom.  These are not the only changes I have experienced, but the fact that my IC is gone is nothing short of a miracle.  
I started promoting the product because I believe in it so much.  If a company has created something healthy, that is causing people to lose weight, go off medications and possibly cure chronic medical issues I am all for it. 
I am going to contact my Doctor to help spread the word to others.  I'm not assuming this will work for everyone, but I can't help but think its worth spreading the word since it helped me in such a short period of time.  How amazing would it be if this simple product could help people recover form an illness, disease or condition they otherwise thought they would have to live with?  I've read success stories that brought me to tears- everything from cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, infertility, heart conditions, the list goes on....  I know there is no guarantee- but if there is just one glimmer of hope that this product could help you or someone you love please please please tell them about it!

If you, or someone you know is experiencing pain, frequency, painful or uncomfortable intercourse you/ they might have IC- for help please see:

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