Friday, October 14, 2011

Pregnancy- Not So Glorious

I'm about to enter my 9th month of pregnancy...  At this point it gets a little scary.  You see I'm in between the glorious days of the 2nd trimester when you feel beautiful, sexy, comfortable and ready to pounce on your husband any chance you get and the inevitable "JUST GET IT OUT" phase.

Sure I'm uncomfortable- who wouldn't be with a large honeydew inside their belly (according to  But when are you really ready for labor?  There is no class for it!  Sure there are the classes you can take at the hospital- which charge you $80 to teach you how to breathe!  Isn't that something we all should be good at by now?  But what about knowing what is going to happen when your labor starts?  The fact is there is no way to know!  My Mom for example had the fairytale pregnancy- no morning sickness- little back pain- truly nothing to complain about- she made it look easy... until her water broke.  She was in labor for 21 hours with me- it ended in a c-section when my heart slowed to the point of giving the nurses on the floor a heart attack.  Then there is my Mom's best friend- she has two kids.  Both kids were delivered in less than an hour from the time she felt the first pain.  Her husband rushed her to the hospital and didn't even have time to put on a gown and booties before her kids were born.  Now that sounds great- but keep in mind there was NO time for drugs!  She felt EVERYTHING!

When your pregnant you hear everyones horror story!  I say horror story because the good stories just never seem to come your way.  You hear about the 20+ hours of labor, how the epidural didn't work, how they pushed for over THREE HOURS, tore from end to end, and not to be gross but pooped everywhere.  I don't need to hear about what bodily functions are going to happen when I'm bring a life into this world- I just don't need to know!!

When am I going to come across someone that will say- "you will be fine, its not that bad"?
So the point is people are starting to ask "aren't you so ready to be done?" and my answer for the them is "HELL NO!"  I will continue to deal with the kicks to my ribs, the sweating when its 50 degrees outside and the multiple trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night.  I'm told there will come a time when I will announce to the world "JUST GET HER OUT!"  but folks- I'm just not there yet!


  1. Hey sweet lady! First of all LOVE that you're blogging! I had gotten pretty good at it then things in my life started getting ablittle depressing, and so I opted to hold off till I was in a better mind set. Second of all.....Girl you got this! I clearly have never given birthbhowever just yesterday got a call from all about telling me I had won a gift basket of baby things and a $100 prize for my baby, guess some little prankster entered me, but I turned it down cause I was so confused. The point being I am in no way qualified to tell you how to feel about they delivery of your angel. I can tell you that I have never been so scared and excited as when my dearest friend Erin was at your point and in the hospital hor her induction back in May. And that no matter how much it hurts ( Erin had a great epidural and felt nothing, and hardly any contractions before the delivery) the moment your beautiful, perfect, loves you from her first breath baby girl is laid on your chest you won't care about the pain, it will seem like delivery was an eternity ago because you have a whole new life now. You will actually be a mother. And let me tell you Ali, you will do that so well. You for sure mothered and I know for a fact you mothered others I my intern group so I'm pretty confident you mothered people in the next as well. I hope this makes you feel a little more at ease about the big day and I want you to put your trust in the medical staff and the higher powers. You are strong and you are confident and that will be something Aylana feels. I love you and remember how many other people love you all over this country we are praying for a safe delivery!

    ( not to ruin all the sweet things I said above, but Erin was also very much in pain cause she didn't feel anything while pushing so she maybe pushed a little to hard, so keep in mind you will probably be walking really slowly for about a week, but she was feeling almost back to normal by her first Dr appointment )

  2. You will be fine, it's not that bad!! Do you think I would've done it six times if it were?! My only advice (do with it what you want) is don't let them induce you, if you can avoid it....things go much more smoothly if it's on baby's terms ; ) I used to get terrible cramps, complete with throwing up, in high school and it would last for hours! That was worse than labor. At least with contractions you get a bit of a break in between. You will do great and any pain will be quickly forgotten when you lay eyes on your beautiful little girl!

  3. You will totally rock it! You will have a beautiful story to tell(not all the gross parts). But most of all you will begin your journey as a mom! Let me tell you, my mother was and still is the most influential person in my life. She has been gone almost 13 years but I learn new things about her all the time and most of them teach me something. Keep in mind that your little girl will soak up everything you give her and I know from the time we were around each other you are very nurturing and caring and I cannot imagine anyone I know being a better mother and parent than you! I can't wait to see your little angel grow! Love you!

  4. So Ali, you will be fine, it's not that bad!! I have absolutely no horror stories and 2 beautiful girls to show for it.

    I actually had my 2nd delivery without an epidural and it was even more breathtaking than one can imagine. Of course having the epidural for the first wasn't bad either but I felt a bit shaky afterwards.

    Whatever pain you feel will be long forgotten the moment you lay your eyes on the beautiful little baby girl that you and Jimmy created.

    Ellyn (Samara's mom)

  5. Ali you will do great! yes everyone has their horror stories but if they were so bad there wouldn't be so many moms with multiple kids. I can't wait to hear about your experience so I know more to expect when I hopefully have kids one day. My best friend had to be induced and she was absolutely terrified and growing up was super sensitive to pain but she survived and wants more kids for sure! I am betting things will go well and as soon as you get to hold Alayna you will know it was all worth it and having her to cuddle is way better than inside your belly!
